We started WasteNot after working in real estate development and construction for many years. The task of throwing away perfectly good building materials because they don't fit into the new scheme or style was taking its toll. In a much broader view, the homescape around us was being demolished - one by one, to support the energy efficient, hurricane resistant homes that addressed the needs of the changing demographic. Now, we realized, that whole houses of kitchens, fixtures, landscape plantings, wood floors, windows and doors were being trashed to make way for new construction.
This was the tipping point for us. Instead of resisting the new wave of development around us, we decided to offer an alternative to people who wanted to move on from quaint beach cottages to sound homes that fit the economical needs and lifestyle of the areas new buyers. WasteNot was born to mindfully repurpose the usable building materials that were no longer wanted. Saving demolition costs, dump fees and providing the secondary market with useable materials just made sense.
-LizCo-Founder of WasteNot, inc. ArchivesCategories |